Christmas with a Prince - Holiday Movie Musings

Do we really need ANOTHER movie about some prince from a made up country hooking up with a cynical or “low born” American at Christmastime?

Yes, yes we do.

While we all know they are going to end up together, every now and again the material is treated in such a way—or the casting is done so well—that it makes it a pleasure to watch to unfold. Based on a Harlequin novel, actually, I really liked this entry. the lead actor is devilishly handsome, and the lead actress is cynical in a way that is believable given the foil the male lead introduces to her world. In this case, she is a doctor in a pediatric cancer wing of a hospital, and the Prince is foisted upon her over the holiday as a way to keep him low-profile while he is in recovery.  The quirky sidekick in this movie is the nurse, who happens to be the doctor’s n’er do well brother. He offers a lot of great dry comedy to an already good story.

I am heartened to see more movies where the people don’t have to be jerks to each other for there to be friction. It’s more believable and genuine to let people push against the situation they are faced with more than the people they are supposed to fall for later.

Happy endings abound, with a few unexpected details to keep the climax going a little longer, and the resolution a little more charming. Bonus Charles Shaughnessy (the Brit from The Nanny). Definitely recommend.

Amazon Prime Video

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