Feeling like hell

So yesterday I started to have a strained muscle feeling in my shoulder and neck on my left side, and didn't really do anything about it. When I tried to sleep, it was miserable. It was miserably painful all night, making my rest fitful at best (rest, not sleep...). At about 5am I got up to try and find some Advil, and my stomach lurched, and I spent about a half hour in the bathroom feeling like I was going to throw up.

I woke up stiff as a board, with pain shooting through my shoulder and neck. I found the Advil and took it, and am feeling a little better, but tummy is still acting strange.

I would cancel performing tonight if it weren't for the fact that I have a lot of fans coming to see me.

Speaking of which, sorry I haven't had time to promote this as much as I would have liked. I am a guest star at the Rebar show tonight:

I will be here shaking it tonight, if you want to see me.

But you have other options! If yer into da bellydance, you will definitely want to head over to Capitol Club for Third Thursday with inFusion Tribal. Two unique sets, one at 8pm one at 9pm, fab food and drinks, all in one of the loveliest restaurants in town.

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