Falling for Christmas - Holiday Movie Musings

Falling For Christmas: AKA Overboard for Christmas, but without the moral complication of purposefully hiding the amnesiac and pressing them into laboring for you against their will.

The opening of the movie did its job. Man, I was cringing at Lohan’s character and everything she said and did. Good job making us unsympathetic to that character. But later, I was reminded all the talent Lohan still has for being gentle, funny, and charming. So yeah, it’s hard not to gawk at her plastic surgery at times, but when they soften her image and makeup, and let her play someone “real”, I was drawn right in.

Chord Overstreet (Glee) did a fine job as well. Jack Wagner continues to look like he has magically slowed aging, and fun to see Lohan’s sister Ali play a role as well.

Side comment: well played having Lindsay sing along to Jingle Bell Rock. #meangirls


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