Ze back

by Thursday, June 21, 2007

My back has been worse than ever. I had to cancel performing tonight.But the good news is I went to see a chiropractor this afternoon. I went in with a fair amount of trepidation and even greater amount of skepticism. But my insurance is apparently very supportive of the practice, as it is only a $20 copay, and allows 35 visits per calendar year! So I had an adjustment...and instant results. Not "done"--I think I would have been even more skeptical if I did feel better right away. But it is SO MONUMENTALLY better than it was. I have a follow up Saturday. It was strange, experience-wise. I didn't know what to expect. It is intimate...so hands-on compared to conventional medicine. But I really liked the doctor. And I met a bellydancer who studies with Katia Sahar on the way out. Small world.

I feel so much better. No twisting allowed really means no twisting. When I twist, I feel crappy. But without twisting, I feel 1MILLION times better.


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