Friends, I really really wish someone had told me about this decades ago. Well, some of them did I am sure, but it sounded too simple to work, so I glossed over it. But now I have tried it and can say firsthand it works just as great as they say (and reading the comments below the blog post shows even more effusive praise).

Literally, simply this:

Mix 1 part Dawn dish soap, 1 part vinegar, put in spray bottle
Spray evenly on surface, let sit a moment or 5
Wipe down with sponge or moist cloth
Nearly weep with joy

Our new shower is all glass...6+ feet of glass tall and wide. It's a lot of glass. We got a special coating on it which is supposed to help combat soap scum, and we also use an after-shower spray on all surfaces. But of course, nothing can stop soap scum completely.

When we started to get build-up, we were worried that the special coating we were using would be damaged if we used anything too harsh. We had tried Windex and gentle bathroom cleaners for the last few months to try to clean up the soap scum that was accumulating; but it wasn't working, and the build-up continued to get worse. Given this seamless glass it is kind of a showpiece of the bathroom, I was getting sick of looking at it like that. So in desperation, I thought it couldn't hurt to just TRY this. It's cheap, I had the ingredients in my house right now, so what could it hurt?

Like, yo. YO. Do it. I used it on the glass, on the tiles, on the floor. It's...magic? I don't know. For something so simple, why aren't more people in my life using this and absolutely **crowing** about it? Stop buying all the cleaning stuff you've ben trying up to now and try this NOW. I am going to try it on my toilets, too, which several commenters said they started doing to great effect.
WARNING: DO NOT USE ON NATURAL STONE. Vinegar is too caustic and catch etch those surfaces. But on pretty much every other surface, it should be fine.
DAMN I wish I had this at our old house with the vintage tub which I could never get clean. I used Soft Scrub with bleach and a lot of elbow grease and still never got that tub "clean" by my standards (and my standards aren't that high, the tub was that bad). I wonder if this would have done the trick back then...
Anyway, all that to say: try this! Let me know how it works for you! Because it was a minor miracle for us.

Link to one of many blogs about this, including some extra tips:

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