NEW CONSTRUCTION - we're doing it again!

As of today, an important new construction project is underway. Hopefully this one will go a lot smoother than our last one!

For those curious: our neighborhood seems to have a lot of fairy gardens. I am guessing that during the thick of the start of the pandemic, families around the area decided to invite fairies to move in, to give kids something to walk around and enjoy when schools and parks were closed (we also have a Little Free Library on every block, sometimes two. No kidding!).

I knew we may be late to the party, but wanted to add to the joy of discovery for neighborhood littles. So I asked some fairy friends of mine if they were interested in taking up residence here; and it turns out, there is a shortage of fairy housing in Seattle! So the team is at work now, getting ready for the first fairy home at this address. At least this is a much smaller project to take on that our last one. Stay tuned...

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