As we speak...

My beloved is walking into his interview with Disney Online.He was excited and nervous when he left, as would be expected. Emphasis on the excited. I don't remember the last time I saw him bouncing around the house being his goofy self so much, let alone literally announcing, "I'm excited." He is also feeling very confident in his ability to get this job.

Of course, if he doesn't for whatever reason, that will entirely suck. But I feel really confident on his behalf, too...

The upside? Aside from Chris having a job he believes he will love--which is enough in itself--our vacation in September could potentially be as much as 40%-60% cheaper. When you don't have to buy park passes, and your hotel is 50% off, you save cash.

The downside? We can't win a THING in the Year of a Million Dreams contests! So if they try to hand us a super FastPass, or, GOD FORBID, a night in Cinderella's Castle...we have to say no!

I may tell Chris he has to quit immediately if that happens, though...

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