Birthday Week 2016!

Day 1: Go to PAX, wheel around, playtest a few indie-designed board and computer games, play games in the game library, go home. Open first couple birthday presents. Sleep.Day 2: Mostly repeat, but with birthday tiara and sparkly-glitter-light-up scepter, end up having the first full, real meal since surgery consisting of ribs, baked potato, salad, and wine. Open two more birthday presents. Crash hard.

Day 3: PAX again, bring a friend and his 9 year old daughter to their first PAX. Watch them both wide-eyed and insanely happy all day. Play board games with them until they need to go home. Play more board games, meet new friends who introduce us to a whole new deck building game, have happy hour at local pub and have entire bill paid for by next table over, give away a free PAX ticket to our server and blow his mind, go home insanely happy.

Day 4: PAX one last time, tying up loose ends. Make some game purchases we were waiting on, try some more indie games, get to meet Rand Miller at the Obduction booth and sob uncontrollably, get filmed for Myst/Cyan documentary as a result, play a few more game demos, grocery shop before heading home to play two more games before bed.

Day 5: Sleep in. Cuddle puppies. Play Obduction, find out computer is lacking necessary RAM to play well, but AHA! Chris coincidentally bought be 16G more RAM for my birthday. He installs it for me in minutes, and I play Obduction until Chris gets off work, then play three new board games from birthday haul and PAX.

Day 6: Sleep in again. Do some digital housekeeping, play Obduction until Chris gets off work then he sets up our inaugural Mice & Mystics game. We lose, but much fun is had. Watch TV until sleep.

Day 7: Have girlie date plans. While updating my BGG profile, am pinged to see if we want to get together even earlier. Hop onto my knee wheelie, get dressed, and we are day-drinking and gaming at Cafe Mox before you know it. Eat delicious food, drink way too much wine, play many games, meet a Swiss here on walkabout and invite him to play with us, much laughter ensues. Arrive home to hubby having Orleans set up, complete with lit candles and wine ready to pour, in hopes I would get home early enough to play. No such luck, but we watch some Dice Tower and Rahdo before bed in preparation...

Day 8: Cuddle puppy in bed while I FB and reddit on my iPad. Sunshine makes an appearance, play with puppies in yard. Obduction now, Orleans later. And I have officially gamed every day of my birthday week, plus one!

I may be laid up and experiencing some pain/discomfort with my foot surgery recovery, but it sure made this a fun birthday week regardless! And I don't have to feel guilty about any of it because *pointing* FOOT!

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