*thunk* I am here (San Francisco)

I am in San Francisco as I write this. Quinn wanted to get an early start on Friday, and is someone who can wake at 3am, fly for hours, and land at 9am and then go all day long. I am not that person. So I opted to fly in a day early and stay at a hotel near the airport to meet her in the morning. So I am all alone at an airport hotel with nothing nearby (okay, there is a McDonald's across the street, and some other hotels nearby, but noplace to go on this lovely sunny day). Free Wi-Fi and some television...I think I might take a bath later and just relax and knit and get in some meditation time. There is a restaurant and lounge in the hotel, and I am undecided if I am going down to eat dinner and have a drink or order room service. I am so not an eat-alone person, but maybe that's why I am considering going down and giving it a go...
It occurred to me on the flight down that I have not really been to "San Francisco" in about 10 years. Which is to say, I have flown here many many many times. But was always going straight to something dance related, and back home. Never saw the city. I was last here to see The City back when I was dating Rob and we came down on Halloween to see Switchblade Sister. Another lifetime ago! DAYUM! So I am excited to get to see some of the city, and have my own personal guide too.

Tomorrow is city time, then some dance time at the studio--2 hours of classes, Level 1 and 2. Unfortunately, Rakassah spoiled our plans to rock through 5 hours of classes on Saturday--all cancelled. But it means we have a day free. So we are planning to do some more city time, then see if we can get in some Ultra Gypsy class time --beginner tomorrow, and possibly a workshop after if Jill allows us to stay.

So a busy weekend, then the training on Monday and Tuesday. Whew!

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