Wichita, here I come!

So I leave tomorrow to teach a weekend of workshops in Wichita, KS. I have never been to KS, and I love putting pins on my map, so to speak. The ladies seem really neat, and I can't wait to meet them. Renee is comin' with me, which is another big treat!
Gotta get to work, but figger'd I better post a link to the info, in case anyone was interested in registering. There is still room, my dahlinks!


Amira Dance Productions is proud to bring you a series of fun and challenging workshops with Sharon Moore and Renee Drellishak of inFusion Tribal Bellydance. Sharon is a sought-after performer and workshop instructor, as an innovator of tribal fusion group improvisation. Sharon was a featured workshop instructor, and inFusion Tribal were featured performers, at Tribal Fest and Tribal Quest Northwest in 2005.

This event will be two days chock full of exciting tribal improv and funky fusion bellydance. Sharon and her troupe are known for their innovative style of tribal fusion, combining elements of creative choreography with a unique and energetic group improvisational format. If you thought all group improv was FatChance ATS, or all tribal fusion was Rachel Brice, then you are in for a mind-expanding workshop experience! Be prepared to work hard, laugh a lot, and dance dance dance!

To learn more about Sharon Moore, please visit her website at www.mandalatribal.com

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