Things to look forward to

There are many fun things coming up for me, that I am staying focused on to combat stress and winter blah-dom!

Friday: Raqs Reunion at Mona's. Yep, the whole Raqs al-Hamra gang together, at my favorite restaurant in Seattle, schmoozin' and catchin' up. I am particularly excited to see Michelle Taul after a long time, and see what she has been up to!

Cues & Tattoos! A big festival right here in Seattle. I am all signed up for my workshops, am teaching two, am performing in the showcase, and my troupe is hosting the kick-off party on Friday night. Gonna be a blast! Nervous about teaching the bhangra, with my back and the fact we will be in a community center room without sprung floors. But Renee and I will tackle it together, and I will take breaks as I have to.

ATS Teacher Training at FC studios! I am thrilled they have opened this up to non-ATS specific instructors. I benefit so much from taking the GS training, and am excited to get to continue that. I will be arriving the Thursday prior, and staying nearly a week in SF to take classes and the intensive. And it is confirmed that Quinn will be taking it, too, so we're rooming together and she is going to show me around San Fran (she used to live there). I am excited for some time hanging with Quinn, and having my own tour guide. And we are going to hit Rakassah on Saturday afternoon to see FatChance perform. I may get to see my brother that weekend, too, while Quinn spends a day with a local friend of hers. Can't wait! So nervous, too! Finally got enough money scraped together for the airfare, and have to pay the $500 balance for the training in 4 days. *tummy turning*

Breitenbush is coming up fairly soon, too! An annual getaway for me and my sistahs. And even more students are coming this year, some for the first time, which will rule.

OH! GOGGLEMAS! I keep forgetting to post it!

So Befu and I concocted a Gogglemas plan! Gogglemas is the Steampunk Christmas, if you will. And it is the last two days of February. But those are a Thursday and Friday, and Befu works on Saturday. So Sunday, March 2nd we are planning a get-together to visit the Sci-Fi Museum at the EMP. You interested? A chance to dress in costume? WHY NOT! YEEHA! So get yer goggles in order, and let me know if you plan to attend, so we can finalize some deets.

Finally got my sewing machine back. It was in the shop since November. It wasn't until I made an angry phone call that is somehow magically appeared, repaired, within 48 hours. Growl. Okay, Amy, I am taking your advice and will try the Bernina shop next time I need repairs. It cost nearly $300, too. Thanks, Chris, for bailing my sewing machine out of "jail" while I am too poor to spring for the bond. You are my hero.

So we have our HDTV picked out. Heaven knows when we will be able to afford it, but it is a really good price in any case. Mainly because it's a Sony, and Sony is getting out of the rear projection market, so places have it on clearance. So we need to find a way to afford it fairly soon or there won't be any. It is PERFECT, though. I mean, my lingering concerns about the model Chris had picked out before were completely obliterated in this one, and it is cheaper. So a 50 inch 1080p DLP will be gracing our home in the next couple months. *fingers crossed* Rock band on that will be sweet indeed!

I put together some elements from my recent thrift store run and Chris approved heartily. Whee!

Now, I need to do some knitting and cleaning. Yay and boo, respectively.

And finally, from the Chris files. Must be seen to be believed. WTF indeed...
Acid Trip or Bollywood Genius?

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