I just got an e-mail from an online friend who lives in Belgium--I know her from Bhuz and tribe. She was apparently vacationing in Iceland this week...and ran into one of my students! Joy has been taking with me for about a year, and was taking a two week vacation in Iceland to attend the Sugar Cubes reunion tour there. They happened to run into one another in a shop someplace, got to talking, and Joy mentioned my name as her dance teacher and the connection was made.
In other news, my beloved laptop seems to have fallen prey to a newish Powerbook problem (so new, Mac doesn't aknowledge it as a "known issue" yet) which causes it to think that the trackpad is spiking at temperatures as high as 250 degrees, and going into emergency sleep. So it just randomly sleeps while I am in the middle of doing stuff. Sucks major. Will have to back up my entire hard-drive (thank go we recently each got 300Gig externals), and hand it over to the "Geniuses" and pray they fix it fast.
I needs me my Zoe! They better take good care of her!!