Accidental KonMari Part 1

Marie Kondo's little system gets in your system, man.

I have been watching her series on Netflix as "filler" while I would wait for hubby to walk the dogs or whatever before we'd settled into "real TV watching". But I watched another. And another. And then he would come in and we wouldn't change the show over and watch it together. Then we were watching them all together. She's just so damn charming, and while the transformations aren't as "shocking" and meticulously staged as most home improvement/life improvement shows, that is actually an upside to the show. They aren't selling a flashy idea. It's a simple idea. A real one, for a real life, should you choose to try for it--it feels accessible, though still daunting in scope when you see what each step entails.

We made a plan to play games today. I decided I “real quick” wanted to rearrange a portion of my clothes closet. 4 hours later, Chris and I had done a huge clothes culling, reconfigured our modular closet, dusted, cleaned, and folded all our clothes. #AccidentalKonMari

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