Guitar Slapping - It's (not) All Been Done

Anytime you think it's all been done, and there is no way to truly innovate anymore, go out and seek those who are making new art and new ideas every day. Be moved by them.

Those who have seen the movie August Rush have already been introduced to Guitar Slapping, but for those unfamiliar, or those who love it and want to hear more, check this out.

I wanna take a class!!

1 comment:

  1. If you like that you have to check out Michael Hedges. I fell in love with his music when I was 16 and was fortunate enough to see him live a number of times. Lately I've been playing around with dancing to some of his pieces as I feel like I might just be getting to the point where I could do them justice. I aspire to have the same passion and grace in my dancing as he did on the stage. One of my favorite quotes from him, which really can apply to dancing:

    "I’m not quite sure what that is, but I’m always thinking about the way I’m living while I’m playing guitar, and I’m always thinking about the way I’m playing the guitar when I’m living. Why think about guitar while you’re playing guitar? Why not think about life? You don’t want to tell people how you’re playing the guitar. You want to tell people how you live. That’s the purpose of playing guitar, from my perspective.”



On this blog I share my personal posts about cooking and knitting, travel and other musings; while I will blog about dance-specific topics over on the Deep Roots Dance blog:

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